10 Tremont Street
Suite 600
Boston, MA 02108
Tel: 617-720-6040
Fax: 617-720-1919
Melissa Langa
” My favorite part of the day is working with clients. They are dealing with important and sometimes difficult issues, and must understand complex concepts outside their normal comfort zones. That moment when they get it, when they understand they are in control of what happens, it’s pure joy to me. And if we can enjoy a laugh or two along the way as we discuss life and death issues, that’s the icing on the cake.”
Melissa Langa has built a dynamic practice guiding individuals, families, businesses, and charitable organizations in designing and implementing customized tax-efficient structures to meet their particular estate planning, asset protection planning, business, and charitable needs. Her clients are local, national, and international. As part of her practice, Melissa has assisted business owners who wish to pass a business to certain children while treating their other children fairly, has helped surviving family members navigate the legal and tax implications of a loved one’s death while preserving family harmony, has drafted customized shared use agreements for vacation homes enjoyed by multiple generations, has prepared complex trusts to provide for family members with special needs, has assisted international families navigate the US tax system, has counseled clients in marital planning with prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, and has designed complex gifting structures to meet specific family and philanthropic goals. Melissa’s practice encompasses not only that of a trusts and estates advisor, but also as a family advisor and sounding board for all matters legal which a family faces in the 21st century. Melissa serves as a trustee and personal representative when asked to do so by her clients.
Prior to Bove Langa Witherell & Soiffer, Melissa’s legal experience included advocating for civil rights on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Courts of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court — specifically protecting the employment rights of minorities, women, the individuals with disabilities, and the aged. While taking time off from the law to raise her children, Melissa’s civic activities included leading a civil rights political action committee, spearheading the funding and building of a new elementary school playground, and serving as a town meeting member. Upon re-entry to the law, Melissa chose the field of Trusts and Estates as the ideal vehicle to allow her to continue her advocacy for clients’ personal rights and to help them build a better legal blueprint for themselves and their families.
Private Client – Estate Planning
Blended Families – Estate Planning
U.S. Transfer Tax Planning: Estate, Gift, and Generation-Skipping Tax Planning
Asset Protection Audits and Planning
International Estate and Tax Planning
Fiduciary Services: Trust, Estate, and Probate Administration
Family Business and Succession Planning
Charitable Giving
Special Needs Trusts for Persons with Disabilities
Trusts for the Beneficiary with Special Consideration
Expert Witness
Perpetual Purpose Trusts
Private Trust Company Structures
Planning for Pets
Adjunct Professor, Boston University School of Law, Graduate Tax Program, 2000-Present (Has taught courses in Estate and Gift Taxation and is currently teaching Estate Planning)
The Complete Book of Wills, Estates & Trusts 4th Edition. St. Martin’s Press 2020 (co-author)
International Estate Planning: A Reference Guide 2nd Edition. Juris Publication 2020 (co-author) (3rd Edition to be published 2024)
Chapter 5: Lifetime Asset Transfers. A Practical Guide to Estate Planning in Massachusetts (Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education updated regularly) (co-author)
Chapter 16: Ethics in Estate Planning. Ethical Lawyering in Massachusetts (Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education updated regularly) (co-author)
Chapter 8: Planning Bequests or Gifts to Grandchildren. Drafting Estate Plans (Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education updated regularly) (co-author)
Chapter 5: Special Drafting Considerations for Asset Protection Trusts: The Offspring of Offshore Trusts. Asset Protection Strategies: Wealth Preservation Planning with Domestic and Offshore Entitles (American Bar Association 2005)
The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel State Survey of Asset Protection Techniques in Massachusetts
A Year End Review for a Clean Slate in 2019 LISI Estate Planning Newsletter
Thomson Reuter Practical Law Q&A of Massachusetts Estate Tax
The Trustworthy Advisor, co-author of a recurring column appearing in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
The Foreign Bank Account Bomb – How to Defuse It Estate Planning Magazine
The Mechanics of Expatriation at the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education’s Annual Estate Planning Conference
The Great Escape: Charting the Course for the Vacation Home, Boston Bar Association
Prying the Cold, Dead, Fingers of the Decedent Off Of The Gun: Fiduciaries and Firearms Boston Estate Planning Council
Cyberspace – the New Frontier of Estate Planning Mass Bar Association 2nd Annual Probate Law Conference
Asset Protection Guide for Financial Service Professionals, 50th Annual Harris M. Plaisted New England Conference of Financial Service Professionals
The Massachusetts Estate Tax: What Is It, How To Calculate It, and How to Plan To Eliminate It, Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants
Asset Protection Planning Up-Dates: Practical Strategies and Drafting Tips to Minimize Risk, ALI-ABA Live Video Webcast (Washington D.C.)
The Rules of the Game: Transfer Tax Planning for the Non-Resident Alien, Boston Bar Association
New Developments in Generation Skipping Transfer Tax Planning, American Bar Association Joint Taxation and Probate/Real Property Meeting, San Francisco
Preserving and Transferring the Principal Residence Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Seminar
Turning Asset Protection Into Asset Collection: A Creditor’s View. New Hampshire Estate Planning Council
Offshore Trusts and The Mechanics of Establishing Them, 16th Annual Symposia, Real Property, Probate, & Trust Law, American Bar Association (Washington D.C)
Lifetime Asset Transfers and Section 529 Plans, Estate Planning Basics, Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education
Common Estate Planning Errors, Boston Bar Association
Ten Tax Tips, Massachusetts Women Lawyers Association
Generation Skipping Transfer Tax Planning published in The Best of MBA-CLE, Massachusetts Bar Association
Practicing with Professionalism Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education
Ten Best Practices: Joining a Nonprofit Board Boston Estate Planning Council
Valuations, Appraisals, & Tax Reports: An Estate Planner’s Guide Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education
Quoted in “Pets: Who Would Care For Them If You Couldn’t?”, Animals Magazine
AI, Captain! Navigating the Waters of New Technology. Boston Estate Planning Council
The Asset Protection Audit: What Is Possible If the Suit Has Hit The Fan. Boston Probate Forum
Now You See It, Now You Don’t: The Domestic Asset Protection Trust and the Perpetual Purpose Trust (Mass. Continuing Legal Education)
Spendtrift Trusts and the Equitable Division of Assets in Divorce (Mass Continuing Legal Education)
The Practical Practice: Onboarding the New Client or Setting Sail Without Them. Ninth Annual MBA Probate Law Conference.
When Trade Winds Blow Through True North: Cross-Border Planning and International Governance Issues. Estate Planning Council of Canada
How To Taylor Your Trust for a Swift Resolution: You Are Never Ever Reaching Those Assets. Ever. 59th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference
The Perpetual Business Purpose Trust – From Pet Care to Billion Dollar Businesses. Boston Estate Planning Council
The Three Faces of Asset Protection. Heckerling Instittute on Estate Planning
Ethical Practices during COVID. Massachusetts Bar Association
Structuring Trust Protector Provisions: Protectors’ Powers & Duties, Trustee Oversight, Tax and Fiduciary Risks. Avoiding Unintentional Fiduciary Classification, Key Trust Provisions to Limit Disputes, Navigating State Differences. Strafford Webinar Presentation
Back to Basics – IRD. ACTEC Conference, Fiduciary Income Tax Committee.
When Old Money Meets New Money: Estate Planning with Cryptocurrency. Boston Estate Planning Council
Serving on a Non-Profit Board – Why and How To. Boston Estate Planning Council
How to Establish A Planned Giving Legacy Society Brookline Community Foundation
Boston Estate Planner of the Year (2014). Boston Estate Planning Council
Fellow, The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
Accredited Estate Planner®. National Association of Estate Planning Councils
New England Super Lawyer in the field of Trusts and Estates since 2009
Recognized by Best Lawyers in America (Trusts & Estates) since 2012
Recognized as a Top Women Attorneys in Massachusetts since 2012
Massachusetts Bar Foundation: Member, Board of Trustees & Executive Committee - Vice-President
President’s Alumnae Advisory Council, Colby-Sawyer College (N.H.)
Speakeasy Stage Company: Former Board of Directors (Four terms)
Boston University School of Law: Mentor law students interested in the field of trusts and estates
Brookline Bird Club – Lifetime Member
Dance Complex, Cambridge Massachusetts. Perpetual Beginner | Tap Dancing
Massachusetts, 1982
United States Tax Court, 2000
District of Columbia, 1979
United States Courts of Appeals for the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Circuits, 1980
Boston University School of Law – LL.M., Graduate Tax Program, May 1996. Class Rank: 5th
Washington College of Law, The American University, Washington, DC – J.D. 1979 Labor Law High Achievement Award
Douglass College (Rutgers University), New Brunswick, NJ – A.B. with honors, 1976. Eagleton Institute Honors Scholar
Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H. – Associate of Arts, 1974. Social and Behavior Science Award
Boston, MA—July 1, 2020
Scholar-Mentor honored
Long-time estate planning expert recognized